Comparative Privacy and the Literacies of a Networked Age:
A Critical Approach
Endorsed by the following ICA divisions: Communication & Technology Division, @Communication Law & Policy Division, Children Adolescents and Media and by the French Society of Information and Communication Sciences (SFSIC)
OFF-SITE | Université de Haute-Alsace, UHA’s Campus Fonderie – FSESJ (Faculté des Sciences Economiques Sociales et Juridiques), 16, rue de la Fonderie in Mulhouse
Conference date: May 24-25
Jointly organized by CPRN (Comparative Privacy Research Network, https://comparativeprivacy.org/) in collaboration with CEJEM (Research Network on Youth and Media).
Drawing on previous and ongoing conversations and collaborations, this preconference aims to attend to privacy literacy’s critical comparative nature by bringing together scholars that examine the cultural, political, and otherwise contextualized aspects of privacy literacy. The ultimate goal is to enhance conversation in communication studies about the ways in which systematic comparative cross-cultural analyses of privacy literacy may be conceptualized, theorized, and operationalized in novel ways. This preconference will be organized in two parts: First, keynotes will provide inputs on the central issues and concepts involved such as privacy, comparative research, and media literacy. Secondly, interactive sessions will focus on three main aspects of comparative privacy literacy research, namely: conceptualization, operationalization, and collaboration. These sessions will bring together competitively selected presentations followed by a discussion on the challenges of conceptualizing and operationalizing critical privacy literacy from a cross-cultural perspective. The presentation sessions will be followed by group activities where participants will discuss solutions to particular challenges. This final session will take the form of a guided discussion in the larger group that will build on the diversity of the group in order to consider new, future-oriented research questions and forge future collaborations.
Date | Time | Event | Information |
24/05/2022 | 16.30 – 19.00 | CPRN Meeting and Roundtable | |
19.30 | Get-Together, Food and drinks | Location: Nomad Café 28 B Rue François Spoerry, Mulhouse (Google Maps) | |
25/05/2022 | 8.30 – 9.00 | Welcome on site | Location of the preconference: Salles des colloques, FSESJ, UHA, 16, rue de la Fonderie, 68093 Mulhouse (Google Maps) |
9.00 – 9.30 | Introduction | Comparative Privacy Research Framework: Comparing Privacy Literacies Across Structural Units CPRN Members | |
9.30 – 10.15 | Session 1: The value of Privacy – Conceptual and Legal Approaches | Live discussion session on pre-uploaded contributions (Link to videos, password protected): 1/ Comparing the Concept of Privacy in Mandarin Chinese and American English Yuanye Ma (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 2/ The civic transformation of data privacy implementation in Europe: A comparative analysis of bottom-up data protection enforcement by NGOs across member states Ido Sivan-Sevilla (University of Maryland), Inbar Mizarhi Borohovich (University of Haifa) and Abraham Newman (Georgetown University) 3/ Adaptive agency and privacy perceptions in technological contexts in China Xiaoxiao Meng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) | |
10.15 – 11.15 | Keynote 1 | Towards data culture. Autonomy and protection of privacy through data practices in everyday life Sarah Labelle (Université de Montpellier) | |
11.15 – 11.30 | Coffee Break | ||
11.30 – 13.00 | Session 2: Privacy and Literacy | Hybrid session with live talks and pre-recorded talks (Link to videos, password protected): 1/ Adoprivacy, exploring privacy and privacy literacy: a critical approach Sophie Jehel (Université Paris 8) Valentyna Dymytrova (Université Lyon 3), Jean-Marc Meunier (Université Paris 8), and Valentine Favel Kapoian, (Université Lyon 1) 2/What Contributes to Young Adults’ Privacy Protection Behavior in Mobile Communication Maria Mustățea and Delia Cristina Balaban (both Babeș-Bolyai University) 3/ Experiencing digital privacy: how users understand privacy policies on Chinese digital platforms under the first Personal Information Protection Law Liming Liu (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College), and Yiming Chen (Jinan University) 4/ Privacy literacy in developers’ GitHub README files Keren Levy-Eshkol and Rivka Ribak (both Department of Communication, University of Haifa) 5/ From “Passive” to “Active”: The Construction of the Algorithm Literacy of Digital Gig Workers Xinyi Hong (Renming University of China) 6/ The effects of internet privacy perceptions on internet uses in later life Jošt Bartol, Katja Prevodnik, Vasja Vehovar and Andraž Petrovčič (all University of Ljubljana) | |
13.00 – 14.10 | Lunch buffet on site | ||
14.15 – 15.15 | Keynote 2 | Abundance: Comparative Research of the Experience of Living in a World of Information Plenty Pablo Boczkowski (Northwestern University) | |
15.15 – 16.45 | Session 3: Comparative approaches in privacy research : structural units | Hybrid session with live talks and pre-recorded talks (Link to videos, password protected): 1/ Now you see me, now you don’t: Webcam use, surveillance, and privacy during COVID-19 distance learning in German and Israeli schools Nicholas John (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Sven Joeckel (Universität Erfurt), Leyla Dogruel (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) and Dmitry Epstein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 2/ Keeping it private: A comparative study on privacy literacy skills on social media in Mexico and the UK Renata Mekovec (University of Zagreb), Cristina Miguel (University of Gothenburg), and Rodrigo Perez-Vega (University of Kent) 3/ Rethinking Online Privacy Literacy from the Perspective of Spatial-Sociological Comparison Anke Fiedler (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) 4/ The Role of Privacy Concerns and Social Network Size in Online Political Expression on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Christian Pieter Hoffmann (University of Leipzig) and Shelley Boulianne (MacEwan University) 5/ Tell Me Your Friends’ Lists and I will Tell You Who You Are: A Comparative Analysis of Facebook Privacy Management among American and Russian Students Aleksandr Shchekoturov (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University) | |
16.45 – 17.10 | Coffee Break | ||
17.15 – 18.00 | Network session | ||
18.00 – 18.15 | Closing Remarks |